Renewing My Mind

Renewing my mind is the most important thing I need to do every day to stay motivated and on track with my fitness and weight loss plan.

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect” Romans 12:2

Satan wants to keep our minds muddled so that we keep going down the path we’re headed. He is all about the deception that provokes negative thoughts about ourselves and those around us. Satan wants us to be miserable and turn away from God.

Without renewing my mind I find myself getting off track with both my food and my workouts. Many years ago, I started the process of renewing my mind every single morning. My days got so much better and easier. I was a happier and more efficient person throughout the day.

I had gone away from it for several years and I found myself as a miserable individual. When we moved to Florida, I lost sight of myself. The morning routine I had created for myself seemed to have disappeared. My family wasn’t as easily accessible to me anymore (my son, then grand babies, mom, siblings etc.) to go see whenever I needed too. Instead of a 6 hour drive, it was now a 10-11 hr drive. Now that I’m back in Virginia, I have started my morning routine again. It’s time to take back my life and happiness.

What does Renewing My Mind morning routine look like?

  • Get up by 5:00am
  • Coffee and water
  • Read
    • Bible
    • Devotional
    • Motivational articles
  • Pray
  • Stretching or exercise
  • Eat Breakfast (unless it’s a fasting day)
  • Pack lunch
  • Get ready for work
  • Head to work (7:40am)

The above list if my normal routine, but it does change from time to time depending on what’s going on. When things come in the way of your routine, don’t let it stop you from having a good day. It’s still possible to have a great day and be efficient. It’s hard to stay positive if your day starts off wrong. One way I change it around it listening to worship music on the way to work.

Anybody can start Renewing Their Mind. Just get up an extra 15 minutes per day until you get up an hour early every day. Use that hour to spend some time with God, renewing your mind in Christ, and getting right in your head.

Here are some great Books to read during your routine:

  • Search for Significance by Robert S. McGee
  • Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
  • Made to Crave by Lisa TerKeurst
  • The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

You can make any self help book a Renewing Your Mind item. Truthfully, if you just got up an extra 15 mins to just do some Yoga, you would be making some serious progress. It can be whatever helps you have a great day. In my opinion, everyone should be renewing their minds. We would all be so much better in this world and there would be happier people. Happier people are needed so badly right now with everything that’s happening in this world.

Renewing your mind is essential to turn your thoughts and actions into positive, for God, and away from all the negative thoughts we have about ourselves. Practice the things God says about you, listed below, to stay positive and your mind renewed.

  • 1 John 4:9-10 – We are deeply loved by god
  • Romans 5:1 – We are completely forgiven and fully pleasing to God
  • Col. 1:21-22 – We are totally accepted by God
  • 2 Cor. 5:17 – We are a new creation, complete in Christ