Big Why

My Big Why

Coming up with our Big Why is one of the hardest things to do. We have to decide the main and biggest reason for us to lose weight, or get healthy.

There are many whys for me as to why I want to get healthy. Of course, I had to come up with my biggest one so that I can go back to it every single time I want to give up.

Here is a list of my many reasons as to why I want to get healthy:

  • Be a good Mimi to my grandbabies
  • Growing old with my husband
  • Running 5Ks
  • To keep from getting any diseases/cancer
  • Making sure I don’t get diabetes like my mom and some of my sisters
  • To prove to myself that I can overcome my biggest struggle
  • To help and motivate others to lose weight that struggle just like me
  • Being able to grow old and still feel young

From the list above, can you guess which one is my Big Why? And you chose “to prove to myself that I can overcome my biggest struggle” then you would have chosen right. Most people probably would’ve chosen it’s my grandbabies and that would have been almost right as it’s in the top three.

It has been a struggle of mine for over 20 years. Using many different diet plans and work out routines I was able to lose some weight but was not able to maintain it and ended up gaining it all back plus more. I know that I can do it and I plan to prove it to myself that I can.

Failing yourself is completely different then failing someone else. I have always been afraid of failure. This is one of the reasons why it is so hard for me to get out of my comfort zone and step forward in the right direction. I never wanted to prove to myself that I will just fail and never achieve my goals. 

I could have of course chosen my grandbabies or growing old with my hubby, but we all know that sometimes life chooses another path for you and God takes those that you love home to be with him. If that were to happen then my Big Why would go away. We need a Big Why that will be there no matter what life brings you.