Growing up as an Amish Child
There are many ways to tell a story about your own life or even someone else’s. Telling my own story will probably be most difficult to put into words.
Renewing My Mind
Satan wants to keep our minds muddled so that we keep going down the path we’re headed. He is all about the deception that provokes negative thoughts about ourselves and those around us. Satan wants us to be miserable and turn away from God.
When we participate in a workout program, we are rough on our body and it needs love and care to rebuild it’s strength to get through the following week.
As I sit here on this calm and quiet Sunday afternoon, I am overwhelmed by the many blessings we as a family have received in the past couple of months.
My Big Why
Coming up with our Big Why is one of the hardest things to do. We have to decide the main and biggest reason for us to lose weight, or get healthy.